Snail Mail: The FBI Visits Mudbaden

Today we rarely receive handwritten letters but they were once a primary method of communication. In this blog series, we’re highlighting some of the interesting letters in our collection. 

Today’s letter was written by Olaf Olsen to Francis Mathiowetz of Sleepy Eye, MN on December 17, 1947. 

At the time, Olsen was the manager of the Mudbaden Sulphur Springs in Jordan.  In the letter, Olsen explains that he is sad to see Mathiowetz leave as he was one of the better employees. He also mentions that the FBI came looking for Mathiowetz after he left. But we are left to wonder, ‘why was the FBI looking for Mathiowetz?’ 

Scroll down past the image to read the full text of the letter.

“Dear Francis: 

Thank you for your greeting card, letter, etc. We did not like to see you go Francis, for always we classed you among our better employes. [sic] We have had several since you left, but for some unknown reason, none of them seem to stick very long. I sometimes think that it must be down in the ‘sticks’ as some call it, and perhaps that is true, for after all, if you do not have relatives or good friends with whom you can visit, there is not much to stay here for, especially, if youth is still with you. I mean this, for I often thought that it would be pretty much the same with me also, if I were younger. Mudbaden has one redeeming feature, and that is, it is a good place to save money. 

We shall be glad to see you at any time Francis, should you have occasion to be up this way. 

For your information, there has been one party checking on you since you left. He introduced himself, saying he was with the F.B.I. Whatever I could say I did say, there naturally was nothing I could say that was not in your favor. 

I have shown Mike your card, saying you had sent your best wishes to him. We all wish you a Merry Christmas and trust you will have a Very Happy and prosperous New Year. 

Sincerely Yours,

[signature of Olaf Olsen]”